15th Annual Dinner & Auction


Our 15th Annual Dinner & Auction is only a few weeks away. We have a great line up this year. The Honorable Tom Ammiano, will leave us with a few words about his vision for San Francisco and California as he prepares to leave his Assembly District 17 seat. Nato Green is a political comedian with trenchant, and hilarious, observations about our favorite City. And, for something entirely new, the Boys and Girls Club Youth Leader of the Year will be honored at our dinner.

Our dinner supports our civic engagement activities throughout the year, including voter registration tables at major District 11 events, voter workshops, membership meetings, endorsements and our voter guide which is published and mailed in November and published in June. In addition, our club supports future leaders with a donation to the Excelsior Boys and Girls Club. 

Our auctions are always fun and competitive and you never know what you might find there. So join us and support our community in San Francisco's District Eleven. For more information, please contact Grace D'Anca at 415-748-1416 or email [email protected].

June 06, 2014 at 6:00pm - 9pm
Patio Español, 2850 Alemany Blvd. San Francisco
2850 Alemany Blvd
San Francisco, CA 94112
United States
Google map and directions
BRIGITTE DAVILA · · 415-531-9743
Nadia Conrad Mary Harris Philip Matiatos

Will you come?

$600.00 15th Annual Dinner & Auction Patron
10 dinners/1 table with table sign and acknowledgment in the program
$130.00 15th Annual Dinner & Auction Sponsor
2 dinner tickets, acknowledgment in the program
$100.00 15th Annual Dinner & Auction Friend
1 dinner ticket, acknowledgment in the program
$60.00 15th Annual Dinner & Auction Individual
One dinner ticket ($70 at the door)
$50.00 15th Annual Dinner & Auction Senior/Youth ($55 at the door)
For our neighbors on a fixed or low income situation

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