20th Annual Dinner & Auction


Start off the evening with a drink from the no-host bar, greet old friends and make some new ones, head over to the photobooth and strike a pose. Our keynote speakers are Christine Pelosi, Chair of the California Democratic Party Women's Caucus and Rudy Gonzalez, Executive Director of the San Francisco Labor Council. We will be honoring some locol heroes: Business: The Roxie Market's Peter, Simon & Tony Tannous; Non-Profit: Stephanie Cajina of Excelsior Action Group SF, and; Youth: Jorde Conde from the Ingleside. 

We have several levels of sponsorship:

  • $700 PATRON (includes 10 dinner tickets/one table sign)
  • $200 SPONSOR (includes 2 dinner tickets)
  • $100 FRIEND (includes 1 dinner ticket)
  • $70 INDIVIDUAL (1 dinner ticket) $80 at Door
  • $60 SENIOR/STUDENT (1 dinner ticket) $70 at Door

And several delicious meals (including salad & dessert) to choose from:

  • Paella Valenciana
  • Vegetarian Lasagna 
  • Chicken w/Sherry Sauce
  • Prime Rib of Beef

We make it easy to join the fun, you can access tickets three possible ways:

  • MAIL:
    • Mail your sponsorship level and meal choice(s) to our Treasurer, Alex Walker at S.F. D11 Dems Club, P.O. Box 12175,  S.F., CA 94112
    • Mail must be received by May 30, 2019 to avoid extra charge at the door.
    • Contact the Treasurer, Alex Walker, via text/phone at 415-876-8254 with your sponsorship level and meal choice(s) and pay with check or credit card at the door. 
    • Reservation must be received by May 30, 2019 to avoid extra charge at the door.
June 07, 2019 at 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Patio Español
Alex Walker · · 415-876-8254
Gilbert Williams

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