We have a dizzying array of elections facing us in 2022. No one on the eboard can remember more elections in one year. (Members? Please do chime in on the comments if you remember a year that beats 2022’s record) In any event, we will break down the election cycles and offices for you so that you are prepared and educated on your voting rights. In sum, the following elections will take place:
- February 15, 2022: Special Election
- April 19, 2022: Possible Special Election
- June 7, 2022: California Primary Election
- November 8, 2022: California General Election
Your questions are answered below regarding the who, what, why, and when of all these elections.
Why is there an election on February 15, 2022? I've never heard of February as an election month!!??
The February 15 election was scheduled because of the vacated Assembly District 17 seat in the California State Assembly. David Chiu held that post for about 7 years before he was appointed to the City Attorney's office. The City Attorney's office was vacated by Dennis Herrera because he was appointed to head the SFPUC. The former head of the SFPUC, as you may recall, was indicted on federal charges of corruption.
So this election day was set to vote on a replacement Assemblymember to finish out the term in 2022. That means if none of the 4 challengers makes it over 50% there will be an April 19, 2022 election between the top two finishers in the February 15 election.
Because of the SFPUC problem the City Administrator, who was married to the former SF PUC head, resigned creating an opening. Carmen Chu, Assessor-Recorder was tapped to become the new City Administrator and Joaquin Torres, formerly of D11, was appointed to the Assessor-Recorder's office. He now has to run for that position in the February 15 election.
At around the same time, the school board recall petitions were certified and the recall was moved to the first available election which is - you guessed it - February 15, 2022.
What is this I hear about a possible election in April? Is there an election or isn't there?
Unfortunately, it is not that simple. Right now there are four candidates vying for the California Assembly District 17 seat. Two, maybe three, will not make it. If no one garners more than 50% of the vote, the top two will face off on April 19, 2022. If a candidate does pull in more than 50% there will be no April election but that candidate will have to run in the regular Primary Election on June 7, 2022, and the General Election on November 8, 2022. The San Francisco District 11 Democratic Club is pulling for David Campos as our endorsed candidate and we hope he is the over 50% finisher on February 15, but it is a very competitive race with LOTS of money. Campos is the only candidate not accepting corporate donations.
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