Please attend the full membership endorsement meeting for the candidates and propositions on the San Francisco November 5, 2013 ballot. Eligible members* will have the opportunity to discuss and vote on the recommendations from the SF D11 Democratic Club Executive Board.
The Eboard met on August 24 to hear presentations on the propositions and and candidates. Their endorsement recommendations are listed with a √ for support for endorsement, an X for opposed to endorsement. Hyperlinks will connect you to more information on the ballot propositions and candidates. All of the candidates are unopposed as well as measures A & D, so the endorsement process should be fairly straightforward.
√ Prop. A - Retiree Health Care Trust Fund,
X Prop. B - 8 Washington Street — Initiative,
X Prop. C - 8 Washington Street — Referendum,
√ Prop. D - Prescription Drug Purchasing
- PRO -
City-wide candidates (All running unopposed):
√ Treasurer: Jose Cisneros
√ Assessor/Recorder: Carmen Chu
√ City Attorney: Dennis Herrera
The candidates and representatives of the ballot measures have been invited to speak between 1:00 and 1:35pm for 5 minutes each. After the last speaker on the list, there will be time for a question and answer period.
At approximately 2:00 pm, official ballots shall be distributed upon sign-in to Regular members eligible to vote. Members eligible to vote on endorsements are those Regular members in good standing or continuing members that pay their dues at the endorsement meeting. In addition, new members who have paid their dues no later than 30 days prior to the endorsement meeting are also eligible to vote on endorsements. Voting is by secret ballot and each ballot includes the choice of “No Endorsement.” A “No Position” shall be recorded when candidates or propositions fail to get less than 60% (for candidates) or 50% +1 (for ballot measures) of the votes cast.
For more information on the endorsement process, please check out our bylaws.
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