Save the Date, Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Redistricting: The census data is in and now we will have to figure out new supervisorial district lines, California Assembly & Senate, as well as Congressional Districts presentation & discussion. We have invited a special guest speaker to discuss what is in District 11's best interest and how to weigh in on the decisions. | ![]() |
Endorsements: we may have up to four elections what with all the special elections for recalls and appointments. The dates will be updated once there is confirmation from the Governor's office and the S.F. Department of Elections. In any event, the D11 Democratic Club will be ready. The Executive Board will interview candidates* and opponents/proponents of the Recalls* and give a recommendation before the meeting. (Click here for Recommendations) All of the candidates and proponents/opponents will be invited to speak and answer questions at the endorsement meeting. Members in good standing (dues paid for 2021 and member for at least a month before the meeting) can vote electronically during the meeting.
AD 17 Assembly seat election*
- special election possibly February 15, 2021
Assessor/Recorder election*
- special election possibly February 15, 2021
School Board Recall Election
- special election definitely February 15, 2021
District Attorney Recall Election
- special election possibly February 15, 2021
Supervisor Ashsha Safai: Updates on District 11
DCCC Voter Registration Drive: Sunday, November 14, 2021, at 10:00 am at Merced Heights Playground
Please return soon - details will be updated as soon as we get information from the Governor's Office and S.F. Department of Elections.
*Candidates may book a time for the board interviews on the morning of November 6. On the basis of the interviews, the Eboard will give a recommendation and members will vote at the endorsement meeting on Wednesday, November 10. All candidates are invited whether recommended or not to address the members of the SF D11 Democratic Club.
Link for the meeting:
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