Membership Meeting 9-13-2017



This year, 2017, is noticeable mostly for the lack of highly contested races, or any race at all, for that matter. It affords us a rare opportunity, to stop for a breath of air and understand important issues and policies that affect us as residents of San Francisco and as neighbors in the District 11 community. To that end, we have some guests that will discuss institutions that have an outsized effect on our community.

The new Chancellor of CCSF, Dr. Mark Rocha, will explain his vision for our community college, including the Free City, the Performing Arts & Education Center, the Balboa Reservoir and other hot topics.  Bring your burning questions.

Clean Power SF is oft misunderstood as the City’s new Community Choice Aggregation program run by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission. Sherry Clark will explain how the program affects us, how we are enrolled and answer questions.

Gabriel Medina will give us a delegate update on the continuing saga regarding the chair of the California Democratic Party.

Last, we have some club business to deal with and will be circulating a survey to determine what the top suggestions are for the bylaws committee. Membership Chair, Rosario Cervantes, will explain our outreach efforts at the Excelsior Festival on October , 2017. 

See you at Henry's Hunan on Wednesday, September 13th. 






September 13, 2017 at 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Henry's Hunan Restaurant
4753 Mission St
San Francisco, CA 94112
United States
Google map and directions
Nadia Conrad-Huayta · · (415) 846-5198
Bahlam Javier Vigil Brigitte Davila

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