Nominations for President

Juarez.jpgLast year about this time I was honored to be voted in as the President of the SF D11 Democratic Club. We had a very busy year with both a primary and general election as well as our other events. Now, unfortunately, due to family reasons, I must step down from this office and, may even have to move out of the City. I will miss my D11 family, but I know there are great candidates coming forward already. Please submit nominations for a new president to any member of the eboard or info@sfd11dems. Nominations will be taken throughout January and up to and at our next membership meeting on Wednesday February 13, 2019 at Henry's Hunan.

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  • Brigitte Davila
    commented 2019-01-26 11:17:38 -0800
    Thank you fo ryour service and buena suerte!
