Bylaws change passes unanimously at meeting on July 14, 2021

Because all SFDCCC-chartered democratic clubs have the opportunity to send delegates to the California Democratic Party’s (CADEM) pre-endorsement meeting.  The SF District 11 Democratic Club has enough regular members to participate in any of the Democratic Party Pre-Endorsement Meetings. The CADEM requires all chartered clubs to include the following into their bylaws:

  • A statement that defines: a member in good standing. 
  • A section that: explains how their club chooses their delegates to the CDP Pre-endorsement meetings. You can elect one delegate for every 20 members
  • A statement stating that: their clubs will follow the CDP Code of Conduct 

The Executive Board proposed the following additions to our bylaws:

  • Article 1, Section 1(c):  states that the Club will follow the CDP Code of Conduct
  • Article 1, Section 3(f):  defines “member in good standing”
  • Article 6, Section 9:  explains how the Club will participate in SFDCCC, CDP, and other pre-endorsement conferences.

The members unanimously voted to make these additions a part of the bylaws. A voting link was sent to every member attending the meeting. 

Please see the link below for the full text of the San Francisco District 11 Democratic Club’s bylaws as well as the CDP Code of Conduct.  Proposed changes to bylaws have been highlighted in yellow. The revised bylaws will be posted on the SFD11 Dem Club Website within the week. 


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