SF D11 Dems Endorsement General Election 2016

S.F. D11 Democratic Club Endorsements for November 8, 2016

Thank you to all the members who turned out to our candidate endorsement meeting on Saturday 9-10-16.
There will be a proposition endorsement meeting on 9-14-16 at Henry's Hunan. RSVP here. 
Candidates listed below met or 
exceeded the 60% threshold for endorsement.

President and Vice President of the U.S.: 

Hilary  Clinton & Tim Kaine 


U.S. Senator: 

Kamala Harris


U.S. House of Representatives, D12: 

Nancy Pelosi


U.S. House of Representatives, D14: 

Jackie Speier


CA State Senator: 

Jane Kim


CA Assemblymember, D17:

David Chiu


CA Assemblymember, D19:

Phil Ting


S.F. District 11 Supervisor: 

Kim Alvarenga


S.F. Board of Education (4): 

Stevon Cook, Matt Haney, Rachel Norton, Mark Sanchez


S.F. City College Board (4): 

Rafael Mandelman, Tom Temprano, Shanell Williams 


BART Board, D9: 

Bevan Dufty


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