November 2020 Endorsements Have Been Announced!

The District 11 Democratic Club is excited to announce our November 2020 endorsements. Thanks to all members who participated in the process!
Our endorsements are as follows:
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September 12 TOWN HALL Details






More information below

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General Election 2020 Endorsement Season Schedule



There is no doubt that we will continue to be under social distancing constraints throughout this election cycle. Be that as it may, there will still be plenty of issues and candidates this year, so be prepared to make some important decisions before you vote. In S.F. Supervisorial District 11, the races we are most concerned about are the Ranked Choice District 11 Supervisor election, the Board of Education (4 seats), the City College Board (4 seats),  and the BART District 9 Board seat. In addition, there are sixteen possible local measures as well as twelve state propositions qualified for the General Election ballot as of June 25, 2020. As the Club did with the May 13 meeting, a link will be provided to all members and anyone else requesting one for the September endorsement meeting. Our endorsements from the primary election on March 3, 2020, still hold so the club will not include the State Senate & Assembly races and the Congressional Representatives in the general election endorsements round.  


VOTERS: All voters in the District can become informed regarding the myriad propositions and candidates facing us on the November 3, 2020, General Election ballot. We are inviting all the relevant candidates and the representatives from the proposition campaigns at the local and state level to our District 11 Town Hall which we are co-sponsoring with the D11 Council on September 12, 2020, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm via Zoom. The link will be posted on this website or you may request a link in advance by emailing [email protected]

D11 DEMOCRATIC CLUB MEMBERS: Regular dues-paying members are eligible to vote on endorsements on Saturday, between 12:00 pm and 2:00 pm. Join the Zoom meeting at that time and instructions will be given to vote online. If  Regular (ongoing) members need to pay their dues, they can do so on our website to become a member in good standing and, therefore, become eligible to vote on endorsements. New members who joined and paid dues at least 30 days prior to the endorsement meeting on September 12, 2020, are eligible to vote.

CANDIDATES & CAMPAIGNS will have two opportunities to present their cases.


    • All candidates will be sent a message to the email listed with the San Francisco Department of Elections. The message will include a range of time slots between 10:00 and 3:00 pm on Saturday, August 22, 2020, 
    • Please complete the  Candidate Endorsement Questionnaire Form by Wednesday, August 19, 2020, at 12:00 am.

    • Campaigns will receive an email with a range of time slots between 10:00 pm and 1:00 pm on Sunday, August 23 for the eboard endorsements. If you have not received a questionnaire or time slots, please request one by emailing [email protected].
    • All campaigns must complete and submit their Proposition/Measure Endorsement Questionnaire by Friday, August 21, 2020. 
    • Please note: we are inviting any representative of organizations for and against particular Propositions or Measures, however, we do reserve the right to limit the number of speakers on any particular Proposition or Measure
  • ALL CANDIDATES, PROPOSITIONS & MEASURES on Saturday, September 12:

    • The second opportunity for Candidates and Campaigns to meet with voters is at the District 11 Town Hall from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. At that time you can post your website in the Zoom chat for voter convenience.  Register with our PAC chair at [email protected] to present at the September 12 Membership Endorsement Meeting via Zoom.

Sheltering in place Zoom Meeting May 13, 2020


We hope all our district 11 residents are staying safe

Our next Membership meeting is Wednesday, May 13, 2020, via zoom.


Our annual Dinner & Auction is rescheduled to an online event starting Friday, August 21, 2020

Our next Membership meeting is Wednesday, May 13, 2020, via zoom.

We will be sending a zoom link to member emails. Please update your email to [email protected] If you don't think we have your most recent email.


Voter Info & Endorsements for Primary Election March 2020



The D11 Democratic Club has as its primary mission the dissemination of important voter information. The upcoming primary election on March 3, 2020, may have you scratching your head because it seems a little early. Also, you may have seen our list of endorsements and wondered whether you can trust them or not. We will give you the info that went into our decisions, so you can make your own choices.

NEW DATE FOR CALIFORNIA PRIMARY ELECTION: In 2017, Gov. Brown signed a bill that would push our primary election from June to a more competitive date in March. The former June Primary rendered California voters fairly inconsequential to the overall presidential primary votes across the country. With our new date of the second Tuesday in March, California will be part of a massive Super Tuesday vote along with 13 other states as well as Democrats abroad. It is going to take some getting used to because the political organizing calendar was much more spread out previously. 

HOW TO VOTE IN THE NEW PRIMARY: Same as you always did before.  Voting materials will go out in the first week of February. 

  • If you are a Permanent Vote-by-Mail (VBM) voter, expect your ballot and voter guide around February 3, 2020. 
    • If you are not a VBM voter and you would like the convenience of voting by mail, register with the Department of Elections by February 25 here:
    • BTW, no postage is required and if you forget to mail, you can still drop your ballot off at any polling place on Election Day. (Almost half of all VBM voters drop it off at City Hall or Polling place.)
  • The political party preference that voters selected when they last registered to vote determines which presidential primary contest will appear on their ballot.
    • Democrats and No Party Preference (NPP) voters can vote for one of the Democratic Presidential Candidates.
    • IF you are not a registered Democrat or NPP, and are, therefore, a member of another party. AND, you want to vote for a Democratic Presidential Candidate, you will need to change your registration by February 25, 2020 
  • Besides voting for presidential candidates to move forward to the November 2020 general election, voters will also vote on other federal and state offices and ballot measures.

ENDORSEMENT INFO: The Executive Board invited all local candidates and Measure representatives for interviews in December 2019 and voted on recommendations to the membership for each candidate and measure.  A General Membership endorsement meeting was held at our January meeting and all of the candidates were again invited.  To be endorsed by the Club, candidates had to receive at least 60% of the membership votes cast and measures had to meet the 50% + 1 criterion.  Below are the results including San Francisco local SFDCCC races and local measures, California State Legislature and U.S. Congressional offices.

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