Join us for our Labor Day Picnic!

The District 11 Democratic Club is excited to host our picnic at the newly renovated Redwood Grove Group Picnic Area-West in McLaren Park.  We will feature speakers from the labor movement, barbecue sandwiches, picnic games, party favors, raffle prizes, and most importantly, the opportunity to mingle in person with fellow S.F. District 11 Democratic Club members for the first time in more than a year and a half.  

Join us on Monday, September 6!  For more information and to RSVP, visit our Labor Day Picnic Page.

Bylaws change passes unanimously at meeting on July 14, 2021

Because all SFDCCC-chartered democratic clubs have the opportunity to send delegates to the California Democratic Party’s (CADEM) pre-endorsement meeting.  The SF District 11 Democratic Club has enough regular members to participate in any of the Democratic Party Pre-Endorsement Meetings. The CADEM requires all chartered clubs to include the following into their bylaws:

  • A statement that defines: a member in good standing. 
  • A section that: explains how their club chooses their delegates to the CDP Pre-endorsement meetings. You can elect one delegate for every 20 members
  • A statement stating that: their clubs will follow the CDP Code of Conduct 
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ZOOM LINK ADDED - July Membership Meeting (Bylaws update)


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Look out for Newsletter - Next meeting in April 2021


The February Membership Meeting

is canceled due to a severe outbreak

of Zoom Fatigue Syndrome

The pandemic has definitely affected all of us and, unfortunately, the Executive Board had to cancel the February Membership Meeting. On the brighter side, We created and developed a newsletter to give all our members an update in lieu of the February meeting and as a supplement for the rest of the year. Look for it in your mailboxes. We are hoping to make this a quarterly newsletter so please let us know what you would like to see in it.

The eboard had an intense burst of creative energy this December for our annual Holiday Event. The usual Hot Chocolate party had to be canceled due to the Coronavirus upsurge, but we managed to deliver custom SF D11 Democratic Club mugs* packed with goodies to our members and had a great Zoom meeting with guest Pedro Hernandez from We are working on more new and creative ways to connect with club members this year.  Please save the date for our next virtual meeting on April 14th and our annual social and fundraiser on June 4th.

*If you did not get your mug last December, please contact us at [email protected]
